Iron Baby

Patrick Boivin, together with VFX artist Jocelyn Simard created this awesome video "Iron Baby". The baby on this video is Margaret, which is Patrick's daughter.

This was done using 3ds Max and Vray for rendering. Jocelyn did all the texture, 3d modeling and animation.

After Effects CS5, Out Now

They say 64 bit operating system is the future. Having a 64 bit OS allows you to access more RAM on your computer, compared to 32 bit that can only access up to 3GB of RAM. So if you have more than 3 GB's of RAM and is using a 32 bit OS, you cannot access the rest of the memory.

First Post


Welcome to Motion Design Stuff. On this blog I will discuss everything that has something to do with Motion Graphics. Topics will include tips from all over, who's who on the industry, I will also post any valuable finds on the internet, of course we'll talk about softwares like After Effects, Premiere, Cinema 4D,etc.

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