INSPIRATION: Cool Infographics


Found this really cool Motion Graphics (infographics style) by Patrick Clair.

Watch and be inspired!

Recent Work

My Recent Work includes a video bumper. I made this on Cinema 4d using "pblurp" to create the morphing effect.

Then did the rest of the works in After Effects, where I added lens flares, particles(I use trapcode), and the rest of the graphic elements and effects. It took me around 120 hours to finish this 9 second video.

HDRI Studio Pack by Greyscale Gorilla

Nick Campbell of Greyscalegorilla has just launched his new product called HDRI Studio Pack for Cinema 4d. Recently I just got my hands on this product, I can say that this is a time saver.

This product employs the use of Global Illumination (which is a render hog, I would say) in Cinema 4D.

What is Motion Graphics?

In this time everything is fast, communications, travel, the exchange of information and media. For instance TV Ads, News Graphics, Music Videos, has evolved over the years. Most of these mediums has Motion Graphics in them, which is really attention grabbers.Programs on Televisions and Movies has become image conscious that it demanded more sophisticated Motion Graphics. Having said this we are now on visual era, we like to be entertained on what we see, and Motion Graphics is one way to amuse us.

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